
From the inception of Dolpo Society in 1997, following are the achievements shown in a list

  • More than two dozens of monasteries were renovated and some are restored,
  • Organized one month of long life empowerment from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and oral transmission from H.H. Schechen Rabjam Rinpoche for the Buddhist societies of Dolpo which one of the most important sermon every Sanghas should get compulsory at Sechen Monastery in Kathmandu in 1993.
  • Helped more than two hundreds monks and nuns were sent to various monasteries in Nepal and India for Buddhist Studies.
  • Established health post centers and Tibetan Ancient Herbal Doctor hospitals are established in Saldang.
  • A school buildings are built in Saldang and donated little amount to some of the poor miserable schools.
  • Organized every 12 year Shey Featival in Saldang-05&6 Shey for the twice a time. More than ten thousands were gathered in both festivals. Central departmental figures and Important Holy Rinpoches were implored.
  • Preserved historically and generationally important cultures and traditions by organizing time again festivities, Annual Pujas, gathering in various pilgrimage sites of Dolpo and Kathmandu.
  • More than  ninety poor, orphans and pathetic kids are sent to Dharmasala India under the helps from TCV India.
  • Added funds to many path road ways and bridges to restore and renovate in Dolpo in different parts.
  • Able to buy three ROPANIES(1 ROPANIES = 16 Annas) in Kathmandu.
  • More than hundreds of Rinpoches, Tulkus, Khenpos and monks were invited regularly to Taiwan Buddhist Centre which was formally established by the Chairman of Dolpo Society.
  • Organized 7 weeks of ritual rites for the swift rebirth of earthquake violated people more than nine thousands and world peace convention puja.
  • Supported NRP- 7,00,000/ (Seven hundred thousand only) to the PMRF( Prime Minister Relief Fund) in 2015.
  • Supported CPN-UML Party Relief Fund NRP-3,00,000/( Three hundred thousand only) in 2015
  • Providing letters of recommendation and request of solicits to various government and non government schools for the students for their educational support.
  • Central Service Centre for Dolpo is under the construction is going on.