About Us

It is to notify all and particularly those individuals who have deep concern and love for the people of Dolpo that in the past Lama Nyima Rinpoche have initiated numerous developmental activities which is known to all the people of Dolpo.

Nevertheless, particular mention is made here that in 1997 “Dolpo Society” was formally established as a non-profit organization so that development activities will be effective and can cover large areas in future. Thus Dolpo’s first ever formal organization took shape following the norms of democratic society which as not there in the past. Such an organization was thought to be imperative to garner more support for its sustenance and can cover the wide range of development in Dolpo.

Especially from 1997 to 2010 every year Annual General Meeting of “Dolpo Society” is held which is participated by heads of all the villages in Dolpo for active discussions and debate. At the same time, every year annual function is organized to maintain, preserve and promote distinctive culture and religious tradition of Dolpo.

Further in pursuance of its religious tradition, every year Dolpo Society invites venerated lamas to confer religious empowerments, teachings, pujas, etc. Such gathering also enables Dolpo people living in India, Kathmandu and abroad to meet each other. Similar gatherings are organized on Lhosar (New Year) and other social celebrations annually by Dolpo Society.

At present there are numerous organizations which claimed to do better work than others in Dolpo. We reaffirmed that we carry out our works honestly and with dedication because all the decisions are made collectively based on consensus and not individually at Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Since its inception, Dolpo Society has clearly presented every program that is actually carried out and laid down future programs in the presence of people and their representatives.

In terms of whole of Nepal’s ethnic diversities and regions, a mountainous region of Upper Dolpo is one the most impoverished and isolated area. People are denied of basic rights of health and education, literacy rate is almost negligible that most of the people are unaware of what is taking place in other parts of country. It is amply reflected in the fact that from whole of Upper Dolpo’s population, hardly two people are employees of Govt of Nepal.

For this reason, under the impeccable leadership of Lama Nyima Rinpoche, various development initiatives were undertaken in many villages of Dolpo such as; building taps, trekking trails, schools, gonpas, chortens, renovation of old gonpas, chortens. Menkhang (Tibetan medical clinic) was built in Dolpo with generous support from Sakya Rinpoche and to sustain the Menkhang he continues to provide salaries to two local amchis (Tibetan doctors) working full time. Venerated Lamas play very important role in Dolpo’s social network and the villagers look upon them for guidance all the time. Dolpo Society continues to support them with necessary amenities to enhance their social standing.

Beside the Dolpo Society caters for orphans and young children by sending them to schools and monasteries in India patronized by His Holiness The Dalai Lama according to their desires. Many of these orphans and young children are also admitted in monasteries and schools in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Except for few NGOs working in the field of education in different villages in Dolpo, most of other developmental activities in upper Dolpo are being carried out by Dolpo Society.

In 2004, prominent villagers of upper Dolpo extended their sincere gratitude to Lama Nyima Rinpoche for the various development activities under taken by Dolpo Society under the infallible guidance of Lama Nyima Rinpoche.

The members and the villagers of Dolpo seized this opportunity to request Lama Nyima Rinpoche to express their strong desire to have a community centre in Kathmandu which they opined will be of immense beneficial to all the people of Dolpo. Dolpo being in Nepal and the capital Kathmandu being hub of all the development plans the members deemed it indispensable to have a Dolpo centre in capital Kathmandu. It was solemnly pledged by members of Dolpo Society and the villagers to give all the possible help and garner support according to the wishes of all the villagers of upper Dolpo towards this new found goal of establishing a Dolpo Centre in Kathmandu in shortest possible time.

Thus it became primary task of Dolpo Society to acquire a plot of land either by private or bank loan. Building construction of Dolpo Centre can be done gradually with maximum effort; if however it remains incomplete, then it will be pass on to next generation of youth of Dolpo.

Himalayan region of Dolpo have some of the poorest villages in Nepal and in an effort to cater their needs Dolpo Society under the infallible guidance of Nyima Lama Rinpoche have been working relentlessly to mitigate their hardship of the villagers.

In the meanwhile, from 1997 to 2010, donations collected from Dolpo and other places and from Dolpo people living in India, Kathmandu, Taiwan, America and from various sponsors are kept safely without misusing a rupee to acquire a land for Dolpo Centre in Kathmandu.

Every year in an “Annual General Meeting” (AGM) of all the members of Dolpo Society take part in audit of financial statement which is made known to all thus keeping the transparency and accountability of financial transaction.

As stated earlier expenditures of social, religious ceremonies, pujas for world peace and Lhosar gathering are being borne personally by Sakya Rinpoche and Nyima Lama Rinpoche through donations from their friends, settlements in Kathmandu and individual foreign sponsors. Dolpo Society has not spent a single penny for such functions from the donation collected by it. Donation collected so far by Dolpo Society is exclusively kept to buy a land for Dolpo Centre in Kathmandu.

Beside, donations collected during such social or religious gatherings are also kept in Dolpo Society’s account and not in any other personal accounts as some people might like to believe. Even the appointments of person/persons who are entrusted to collect donation at such functions are decided collectively.

In today’s degenerated times, few skeptics question the integrity of Dolpo Society have confusion similar between gold and brass. Some people said Dolpo Society is relatively okay and some may claimed they are honestly doing better works for Dolpo and its people.

For those cynics, Dolpo Society would particularly like to mention here that the claims made under big banner and much hype organizational name in developing schools and amchi clinics in Dolpo can be just can be an eyewash. Further donations collected in the name of orphans, nun and monk, children and from foreign or domestic organizations and the fund so collected is used for individual purposes like buying vehicle, land or construction. Misuse of fund often happen under the big and much hype name of organization. In reality, all the capital funds and other properties under the personal name and there is nothing in the name of organization they claimed to working.

As in adage; dishonest person often make the honest man cry. Very often the liar poses confidence and shamelessly throws wild allegations to confuse the mass. Therefore all the people should take extreme precaution of such dubious persons or organizations.

If persons and organizations are genuinely working for Dolpo and its people then all their assets should be in the name of organization and not in the name of individuals. The objective of an organization should be clear and development activities should be for the beneficial of villagers and must eventually come to fruition in future.

It is important to see whether an organization have the confidence of villagers or have cordial working relationship. Whether it has good bookkeeping and if so then does it have sound financial transparency and accountability while presenting its budget every year?

Further it should be kept in mind that registration of executive members are well represented from all section of villages and not friends or relatives of any individual to avoid mismanagement.

If any organization has done what it claims and said in reality for the benefit of all the people in Dolpo then Dolpo Society would like to applaud for it because Dolpo Society too have been carrying out such work with the objective of developing Dolpo.

Therefore, in the service to the people of Dolpo, Dolpo Society would readily join hands with any organization or individuals because we believe that together we can strengthen and our works will be more effective.
Till today neither Dolpo Society spread unwanted propagandas nor it is composed of high profile personalities with dubious characters. Dolpo Society is small NGO which has remain relatively shortage of fund nevertheless what ever donations and possession Dolpo Society have is clearly reveal in the public domain.

For instance; from 1997 to 2010, total donation collected from seven village wards in Dolpo is Rs. 22,50,000/-.
Donations collected during religious and social gathering is Rs. 11,35,000/-.
Donation collected personally by Nyima Lama Rinpoche from Taiwan, friends living in Nepal and aboard and other sponsors is Rs. 10,09,0000/-

Thus making the grand total of Rs. 1,34,75,000/-

The total of Rs. 1,34,75,000/- is spent to buy the land for Dolpo Centre in kathmandu and since this money is not enough Dolpo Society is indebted with half of the amount which it borrowed for buying the land. Dolpo society hope to pay the debt soon and also hope and pray to begin construction of building of Dolpo Centre in Kathmandu sooner than later.

This information is particularly issue here from the office of Dolpo Society to mention that donations collected or received by Dolpo Society so far have been use for the people of Dolpo without misusing a single rupee and without misleading the general people of Dolpo.

Every year 17 representatives from 7 village wards and villagers are invited to gather at “Annual General Meeting” (AGM) for the presentation of audit for the sake of transparency and accountability.